Must Have Classical DSD – Where to Start

Classical Music makes up a large portion of the available albums on Native DSD, but if you are feeling a bit tentative and don’t know where to start, we’ve come up with a list of works that offer a basic foundation.  Whenever anyone creates a list like this people will complain that a composer has been left off, or a given piece doesn’t belong.  This is certainly not a complete, everything-you-need-to-know list, but we think it does provide a starting point.  Will you like everything?  Maybe not, but you might discover new worlds in even one single composer’s works.  Don’t be afraid to explore!  And remember, this is a meant to be a starting point.

Along with each work we are suggesting a recording.  This is not to suggest that these recordings are the only ones you should consider.  They are from a variety of artists, conductors, and ensembles so that you can sample their work as well.  Virtually every Classical album offered on Native features high standards of performance and certainly superlative recording quality.
