
Meet Cobra Records’ New Producer & Engineer

Greetings, everyone! I’m Ernst Coutinho, aged 34, a graduate of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague’s Art of Sound program with a specialisation in classical recording.

My journey with Cobra Records began when I first crossed paths with Tom Peeters during my final exam, where he served as the external committee member. To be honest, he was quite demanding!

Since that pivotal moment, Tom and I have maintained a strong connection, and I’ve had the privilege of contributing to several significant projects under the Cobra Records banner. Eventually, I was granted the opportunity to propose my own projects, and “Of Ancient Days” marks my inaugural endeavour.

This project stands apart from the conventional classical recording. It fuses entirely new compositions with the timeless works of one of the greatest composers, Bach (Sei Gegrüsset, Jesu Gütig played by Francesca Ajossa), all performed on a Hyperorgan. Collaborating with Trevor Grahl, who not only composed the music but also played it for this recording, was a truly remarkable experience. Trevor tailored his composition to suit the acoustics of the venue housing the hyperorgan. Moreover, as we know that microphones capture sound differently from our human perception, we seized the chance to make subtle adjustments in the composition during the recording process, exclusively for the recording itself.

Prepare yourselves, for this recording will push the limits of your audio equipment and ignite your imagination!

Written by

David Hopkins

David is NativeDSD’s Product and Communication Manager. He grew up writing songs, playing guitar and drums. Working with musicians in studio to produce records as a recording engineer and producer, he produced music for numerous commercials for Pulse Content, and organised numerous music events and concerts.


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