Both of these composers maintained a unique and unusually strong relationship with each other. Their friendship was both artistic and personal: it was characterized by mutual respect and admiration. That made it even more of a challenge for me to enter into the world of two remarkable composers-and persons as well- in order to provide the listener with a chronological insight into the years from early Schumann to late Brahms. On one hand we have both of the poetic and programmatic cycles, one of them very early Schumann, and the other quite late (Opus 2 and 82 respectively)-one could call it a journey from the ballroom filled with people and masks as portrayed in Papillons to the solitude of the forest as depicted in Waldszenen. In contrast to this we have the late, masterful, and extremely non-programmatic music of Brahms’s Opus 118, very simply entitled Klavierstcke. As a whole, this CD offers the listener a chance to observe the development of the miniature for piano solo, a completely innovative form at the time. It is a development that extends over more than 60 years of the 19th century (1829-1892).
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:07:21
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 27609 |
Qualities | |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Original Recording Format | |
Cables | van den Hul |
Digital Converters | Meitner A/D DSD / Meitner DA |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mastering Equipment | B&W 803 diamond series |
Microphones | Bruel & Kjaer, Schoeps |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom design |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording location | Eindhoven Holland 2009 |
Recording Software | Pyramix bij Merging |
Speakers | Audiolab, Holland |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Awards | |
Instruments | |
Release Date | April 30, 2015 |
Press reviews
American Record Guide
the pianist’s touch with Schumann is among the best I have ever heard (…) In Papillions he consistently demonstrates his innate understanding of the composer as he shifts effortlessly from one mood to the next… His technique is almost translucent in the sense that… it sounds effortless. (…)
Klassieke Zaken
Lazic doet je deze grijsgedraaide muziek wel op een op-en-top verfrissende manier herontdekken. Zowel pianotechnisch als qua verbeeldingskracht ondervindt deze pianist duidelijk geen enkele remming. Je krijgt de indruk dat deze opname maar n van zijn vele mogelijke interpretaties weergeeft. Lazic is ook zelf componist en speelt duidelijk graag met klankkleur, articulatie en tempo. Als je er een partituur bij neemt, dan schrik je wel eens van wat Lazic onder meer met het tempo allemaal uitspookt. Maar hoe dan ook blijft dit fantastisch, soms ronduit sprookjesachtigpianospel. De Standaard () De Kroatische pianist herschept Schumanns grillige fantasien met aandacht voor de kleinste details, de zachtste pianissimo’s en de subtielste rubato’s. De aandacht van de luisteraar gaat vooral naar de pianist zelf, zijn spel is imponerend en soms zelfs briljant. Bij Brahms wordt vooral het interessante klankweefstel uitgelicht waarbij de stemmen zich onafhankelijk van elkaar lijken te bewegen. Is hier misschien sprake van een postmoderne Brahms?
The sound quality is superb, the playing excellent.
Wiener Zeitung
Sergey Rachmaninovs Zweites Klavierkonzert ist ein Schlachtross, das Pianisten immer dann in den Kampf führen, wenn sie zeigen wollen, dass sie Technik und Seele besitzen. Und zwar, bitteschön, im Überfluss.
Mitunter wird man aber auch angenehm überrascht. Wie etwa von Dejan Lazic: Er kann zwar tastendonnern, aber wichtiger sind ihm doch Zwischentöne, feine Nuancen, Noblesse. Kirill Petrenko am Pult des London Philharmonic Orchestra kommt ihm entgegen – und lässt kammermusikalisch fein musizieren. Fabelhaft!
Auch auf dieser neuen Aufnahme lebt der Pianist lyrische Sanftheit und Dramatik aus, setzt sorgsam seine reiche Palette an Anschlagsnuancen ein, ohne sich im Detail zu verlieren. Besonders beeindruckend klingen Schumanns Waldszenen. Lazic lässt einen Wald entstehen, der mal einladend und freundlich, dann wieder abweisend und einsam ist. (…)
(…) Zusammen aber mit den Waldszenen und den Papillons von Schubert gehen sie eine Liaison ein – und zeigen, warum Dejan Lazi? so gerne in Deutschland lebt.
Classics Today
impressive poise and lyricism
All Music Guide
As before, Lazic’s playing is at a supremely high level with every piece presented in performances which are for all intents and purposes technically perfect. And as before, technical perfection is the least of Lazic’s achievements, because the real greatness of his performances is their exemplary musicianship and their consummate lyricism. Lazic captures the tender whimsy of Schumann’s Papillions, the pastoral poetry of the same composer’s Waldszenen and the controlled passion of Brahms Piano Pieces Opus 118. He does so with sensitive phrasing, vivid colors, molded sonorities and a judicious use of tempo rubato that makes every line sound fresh and new but also utterly inevitable. Try such familiar works as the uncanny Vogel als Prophet from Waldszenen or the Andante teneramente from Opus 118, and if Lazic’s haunted account of the former and restless reading of the latter don’t move you, perhaps you should stay away. But if they do, you should try not only this disc but also Lazic’s other recordings for Channel Classics.
Lazic digs around and finds off beat miniature pieces these two composers wrote between the major works to keep sharp and amused. Schumann finds himself frolicking with a lighter touch while Brahms liked to dig in his heels. Presented as a program of piano miniatures, Lazic knows his stuff and knows how to zero in on the heart of the performance. A tasty, classy, personal feeling work that enchants with great ease
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