Buzz Brass

Since 2002, the Buzz Brass quintet has been travelling all over the globe to captivate classical music lovers. Whether its concerts consist of brass quintet alone or together with guest musicians, the original artistic propositions it presents leave nobody cold.

With over 1,600 appearances to its credit, the ensemble has reached more than 350,000 music lovers throughout North America, Europe and China. The numerous awards and distinctions that Buzz Brass has earned over the years (Opus, ADISQ, and Trille Or) attest to both the quality and the relevance of its musical performances.

Thanks to numerous innovative programs, praiseworthy recordings, a unique repertoire, and a vision of classical concerts that reaches out to a wide audience, the group now features among the most reputable brass quintets in Canada.

Their appearances abroad (Edinburgh’s 2015 Fringe Festival, Beijing’s 2016 Meet in Beijing Arts Festival, and New York’s 2018 Chamber Music America) enable Canadian musicians’ know-how to shine forth and inspire youths from everywhere to learn music.

Its latest productions have had Buzz collaborating with established symphony orchestras such as those of Gatineau, Sherbrooke, Winnipeg and Quebec City as well as with Ottawa’s National Arts Centre Orchestra.

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