SharonRose Pfeiffer

Dr. Pfeiffer received her Bachelor of Music degree from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, summa cum laude. She earned her Masters degree and Doctorate in Organ Performance at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, where she was teaching assistant to David Craighead in organ and to Arthur Haas in harpsichord. During her time in Rochester, she was also Instructor of Organ and Harpsichord at Nazareth College, and Music Consultant for the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. The winner of a Fulbright scholarship, Dr. Pfeiffer spent a year in Toulouse, coaching with the late composer Xavier Darasse, and researching organ restorations in southern France. During that year, she won first prize in the prestigious Concours Internationale des Arts. One reviewer described her playing as “exuberant…profoundly sensitive.” (La Depêche)

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